Best 7 Crypto Tax software and website

Looking for Bitcoin tax calculation sites and programs? Check out various cryptocurrency tax calculation sites through this post.

Entering the digital age of the 21st century, cryptocurrencies have revolutionized the world of finance. Various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, are providing innovative investment and trading opportunities to thousands of investors and traders worldwide. However, these new financial challenges can create tax-related challenges.

Cryptocurrency transactions and investment returns must be handled through complex tax regulations. Accurately calculating the profits and losses incurred on each transaction and correctly reporting the resulting taxes can be complex and cumbersome. The “Bitcoin Tax Calculation Site” appeared to solve this difficulty.

Bitcoin tax calculation sites efficiently track cryptocurrency transaction history and support accurate tax reporting based on this. These platforms play an important role in simplifying and making the tax process transparent for cryptocurrency users. In this article, we will take a look at the 10 best sites for Bitcoin tax calculations.

Now, we’ll take a closer look at each of the platforms that help calculate Bitcoin taxes, and how crypto investors and traders can use these tools to smartly manage and report their taxes.


List of Bitcoin Tax Calculation Sites

Min. $49
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Min. $49
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Bitcoin tax calculation sites and programs are listed below.

  • Koinly
  • CoinLedger
  • TokenTax
  • ZenLedger
  • Accointing
  • CoinPanda
  • Taxbit


  • Detailed Documentation and Support: Koinly provides detailed documentation and support center for users to help users utilize the platform effectively.
  • CSV file import: If you find it difficult to integrate with exchanges, Koinly provides the ability to import your trade history in CSV file format, making data entry easy.
  • Detailed setup complexity: Some users may find the setup process cumbersome when advanced settings need to be changed or adjusted.

Koinly is a popular platform that offers many features as a tax calculation and portfolio tracking tool for cryptocurrency users. Below are some of Koinly’s key features:

  1. Multiple supported cryptocurrencies and exchanges: Koinly supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies and major exchanges to help users accurately track their trading activity and perform tax calculations.
  2. Automatic Transaction Tracking: Koinly integrates cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets through API connections to automatically import transaction history. This allows users to avoid the inconvenience of manually entering transaction details.
  3. Tax Calculation and Reporting: Koinly generates accurate tax calculations and reports based on users’ cryptocurrency transaction history. This allows users to easily prepare for tax filing.
  4. Support for different countries and tax regulations: Koinly performs tax calculations considering the tax regulations of different countries and supports various tax forms.
  5. Portfolio Tracking: Koinly visualizes your cryptocurrency portfolio and provides various statistics and analytics. This allows users to better understand and manage their investment situation.
  6. Quote Tracking: Koinly uses live quote data to track the value of your portfolio in real time.
  7. Simple user interface: Koinly’s user interface is easy and intuitive to use. Users can link transactions and generate tax reports in simple steps.
  8. Security and Privacy: Koinly takes the security and privacy of your data seriously, ensuring safe data processing and storage.
  9. Support and Documentation: Koinly provides documentation and a support center for user support, helping users to use the platform without difficulty.

Koinly is a platform that helps cryptocurrency users overcome tax issues and portfolio management difficulties and manage them efficiently, and provides various functions considering the convenience and convenience of users.



  • Posit Report Versatility: Besides tax calculation reports, Koinly can generate different types of reports such as capital gains reports, transaction history reports, etc.
  • Learning curve: First-time users may experience a slight learning curve in understanding and utilizing the various features and settings.

CoinLedger integrates directly with your favorite platforms, allowing you to easily import past trades. Whether you trade, earn interest, or buy NFTs, you can import transaction history and easily calculate taxes.



  • Detailed Reporting Function: “TokenTax” generates various tax-related reports and provides the ability to analyze capital gains, losses, etc. in detail. This allows users to better understand their tax situation.
  • Strengthen data security: We value the security and privacy of your data, and support secure data processing and storage. This allows users to feel confident that their transaction details and personal information are safely protected.
  • Pricing and Paid Features: “TokenTax” offers paid services, some advanced features may incur additional costs. As a result, users may have to pay extra to get the features they want.

“TokenTax” is a platform that provides special convenience and tax management functions to cryptocurrency users. The platform helps users to more easily perform tax processing related to cryptocurrency transactions. “TokenTax” imports transaction history in real time through an API connection with the exchange to perform tax calculation and portfolio analysis. This allows users to utilize up-to-date data without the hassle of manual entry.

In addition, “TokenTax” generates various tax-related reports to assist users in making accurate tax returns. These reports provide detailed analysis of capital gains and losses, allowing users to better understand and manage their investments. These details can also be useful to help you make future investment decisions.

Lastly, “TokenTax” actively provides updates on changing tax regulations to help users always take advantage of the most up-to-date information. These continuous updates make the tax processing process faster and more accurate for users.

In summary, “TokenTax” provides a variety of functions that help users manage their taxes efficiently, and at the same time supports users to understand and manage their investment situation more clearly through real-time data linkage and detailed tax report generation.



  • Tax Specialization: “ZenLedger” is specialized in cryptocurrency tax processing, supporting accurate tax calculation and reporting. Users can more easily handle complex tax regulations related to cryptocurrencies.
  • Supports various exchanges and cryptocurrencies: “ZenLedger” supports various exchanges and many types of cryptocurrencies, allowing users to comprehensively manage their portfolios.
  • Detailed Reports: Users can create and analyze detailed tax reports through “ZenLedger”. This allows you to better understand and manage your tax situation.
  • Difficulty in data entry: Users may have to manually enter their transaction details if API connectivity with exchanges is difficult. This can be cumbersome.

“ZenLedger” is a tool that enhances the portfolio management and tax calculation experience for cryptocurrency users. The platform provides users with the ability to effectively manage their portfolios with support for various exchanges and cryptocurrencies. The unique point of “ZenLedger” here is that users can manage assets that are distributed across exchanges in one centralized system.

“ZenLedger” emphasizes portfolio visualization. Users can easily understand the trading history of multiple exchanges through intuitive visualization tools. This gives you more clarity and adjustments to your investment situation and asset distribution.

In addition, “ZenLedger” supports users to analyze capital gains, losses, tax burden, etc. in detail through detailed report generation function. This analysis helps users to be more informed for future investment decisions.

Lastly, “ZenLedger” emphasizes user convenience and provides a simple UI and intuitive functions to help users perform tax calculations and portfolio management more conveniently even in the complex cryptocurrency world.

In summary, “ZenLedger” improves users’ portfolio management through visualization and detailed report analysis, while providing cryptocurrency users with an easier tax processing experience with user-friendly UI and concise functions.



  • Supports various exchanges and cryptocurrencies: “Accointing” supports various exchanges and many types of cryptocurrencies to comprehensively manage users’ portfolios.
  • Detailed Reports and Analysis: “Accointing” generates various types of tax related reports and provides various data required for portfolio analysis. This allows users to manage and optimize their investments based on detailed information.
  • Pricing and Paid Features: “Accointing” offers paid services, some advanced features may incur additional costs. Users may have to pay extra for desired features.

“Accoining” is a multi-purpose portfolio management and tax calculation tool for cryptocurrency users. The platform helps users manage and understand cryptocurrency investments and transactions much more systematically and transparently.

“Accoining” emphasizes portfolio analysis. Various statistics, charts, and graphs give users a visual insight into their portfolio. This gives you a clearer insight into your investment situation and asset distribution.

In addition, “Accoining” provides the ability to easily retrieve transaction history through automatic transaction tracking and API connectivity. This allows users to automatically update the latest data without having to manually enter each transaction history.

In terms of tax management, “Accoining” supports accurate tax calculations and tax reporting. This makes it easier for users to process taxes and make accurate tax returns.

Finally, “Accoining” values user convenience and provides intuitive UI and simple functions to help anyone use it easily.

In summary, “Accoining” is a tool that simultaneously emphasizes the visualization of portfolio management and the accuracy of tax processing, and features that help users manage cryptocurrency investments more effectively and handle taxes.



  • Integrated User Experience: “Coinpanda” integrates multiple exchanges and cryptocurrencies to provide the ability to manage portfolios and calculate taxes on a single platform. Users can efficiently handle all their information in one place without having to travel across multiple platforms.
  • Generating detailed reports: “Coinpanda” not only generates various types of tax-related reports, but also supports detailed analysis. This allows users to better understand and manage their investments and their tax burdens.
  • Learning Curve: First-time users may have some learning curve to understand and leverage the various features and settings of “Coinpanda”. Users may need to take time to effectively utilize the platform.

“Coinpanda” is a comprehensive asset management and tax calculation tool for cryptocurrency users. The platform accurately tracks users’ cryptocurrency investments and transactions, and supports investment decisions through efficient portfolio management.

“Coinpanda” systematically organizes users’ cryptocurrency transactions. This allows users to manage transactions that occur from one exchange to another on a single central system.

In terms of tax processing, “Coinpanda” supports accurate tax calculations and reporting, making it easy for users to perform the tax filing process. It also generates detailed tax-related reports to help users better understand their tax burden.

In terms of portfolio analysis, “Coinpanda” helps users visualize their investments and understand asset distribution. This allows users to understand their portfolio as a whole and plan their best investment strategy.

From a data security perspective, “Coinpanda” helps users take advantage of the platform with greater confidence by securing their personal and transactional data.

In summary, “Coinpanda” is a platform that helps users more systematically manage their cryptocurrency investments through comprehensive asset management and tax calculation, and to devise efficient investment strategies through portfolio analysis.



  • Support for multiple exchanges and cryptocurrencies: “TaxBit” supports multiple exchanges and numerous types of cryptocurrencies to help you track your transactions accurately and perform tax calculations.
  • Generating detailed reports: “TaxBit” generates various types of tax-related reports and provides a detailed analysis of capital gains, losses, and more.

    “TaxBit” is a smart tax strategy building tool for cryptocurrency users. The platform makes it easy to understand users’ cryptocurrency transactions and investments, and helps them manage complex tax processing.

    “TaxBit” has subtle know-how in tax calculation. By interpreting crypto’s esoteric tax rules and providing the latest information, users can report accurately with confidence.

    To minimize the tax burden, “TaxBit” offers a variety of options. Capital gains, losses, friendly bonds, and more to help users build optimal tax strategies.

    “TaxBit” analyzes users’ assets and transactions thoroughly. This allows users to make better tax decisions while maintaining transparency and speed in tax processing.

    From a data security perspective, “TaxBit” protects users’ personal information and tax-related data thoroughly to prevent problems related to personal information leakage.

    In summary, “TaxBit” is a tool that adds transparency and wisdom to users’ investment decisions, focusing on smartly building tax strategies and simplifying complex tax processing.

    The information in this post may contain errors. For this reason, we recommend that you go directly to their site for more information. We also want to let you know that the links in this post contain referral codes, which may provide some revenue to the author of the post.